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Research / Material / Practice

An example of background of the 1960's Japan
Political happenings of the 1960's world  *Other examples of the backgrounds behind personal lives

As I followed the Japanese situation behind my father’s personal life and this line of research to Europe, I was uncovering another layer, one greater than him and the sociopolitical situation in Japan: a sensational age worldwide. For example, the start of Vietnam War in 1960, the installation of the Berlin Wall in 1961, the first manned space flight by the Soviet Union and the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, the assassination of JFK in 1963, NASA’s first moon landing in 1969...the continuing impact of The Beatles and the rising cultural phenomenons of Bob Dylan and The Rolling Stones...all years during The Cold War.

Those political, cultural, historical happenings should affect personal being and its life in various ways.



Vietnam War

Vietnam War





Mourning and funeral by animals

Some research  has  shown t hat  Neanderthals,  a  now  extinct  species  or  subspecies  of humans,  may  have  performed f uneral r ites  by  placing f lowers  with t he  dead. I n t he 1950s  and  60s i n  modern  day I raq, r esearchers  discovered f ossils  of  pollen  and f lowers at  a  Neanderthal  burial  site i n  Shanidar  Cave.

This t heory  has  been  disputed  by  some.

Research i nto  mourning  practices  has  extended t o t he  animal  kingdom  as  well.  Several species  of  animals,  wide-ranging f rom  penguins t o  horses  and  elephants,  have  been reported t o  exhibit  surprising  actions  as  a r esponse t o  grief.

Visual  documentation  has  shown t hat  elephants,  during t he l oss  of  a f amily  member, have  been  known t o  make  a l ine i n f ront  of t he  dead  body  and  stroke i t  carefully.  Some not l eaving i ts  side f or  several  days. ( All t he  more  curious  as  elephants r equire r oughly twenty  hours  a  day t o f eed  and  maintain  energy.)

How i s t he  sense  of  understanding  and  caring  about  death  engraved i nto t he  animal instinct  and t o  what  degree?

How  do “ we”  connect  mourning  with  action? Is t he  action f or t he  body  which i s  still  here  or t he  body  which  has  passed?

Neanderthal Burials Confirmed as Ancient Ritual

A 50,000-year-old Neanderthal skeleton discovered in a cave in France was intentionally buried.

Did The Neanderthals of Shanidar Cave Really Bury their Dead?

A 50,000-year-old Neanderthal skeleton discovered in a cave in France was intentionally buried.

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